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Cutting the Cost of Conflict

Dispute Solutions to help you:

Resolve disputes and conflicts.

Reduce delays and costs.

Minimise pain and damage.

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"Rapid" Dispute Solutions for a Bug-affected World.

COVID-19 continues to create challenges and problems for everyone.  To stop problems growing into disputes and conflicts, they need to be resolved.

Rapid Dispute Solutions are quick, practical, and economical - and they resolve almost any type of dispute, with legal enforceability

Click here for more information, or here to request a prompt callback from a real human to discuss your needs and options.

conflict resolution, adr, rapid dispute solutions, dispute resolution, family business conflict, family business mediation, family business mediator, commercial disputes, family business succession, mediation, mediation services, conflict management, 005

What's Your Problem?


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Choose Your Service:

Why Use Dispute Solutions?

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Proven process, delivered by experts, for over 30 years.


Best possible outcomes, for all participants.


Real world approach = dispute solutions for normal people.


Realistic outcomes achieved within days, or weeks.


Appropriate solutions for real issues, needs and interests.


Efficient and effective process + capped fees and costs = better value.

Legally binding outcomes for most disputes.



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Commercial Arbitration


“Jon managed an exceedingly challenging arbitration process where, as a small business owner, I was opposed to a large company that formed part of a US-owned group."  

Family Farm Mediation


“I was involved in a ghastly dispute over our 4th generation family farm.  My husband’s health was failing, and our 3 children were at each other’s throats.  I despaired of ever regaining a normal life."

Family Business Conflict


"I was going through my archived emails this morning and I came across this, our last communication from you from nearly 18 months ago. It reminded me of how much work you put into trying to mediate our family situation, and your warnings to us all, should either party decide to abandon the process."

4th Generation Business Succession


"We engaged Jon to help transition our 3rd generation family business, to the 4th generation.  He helped us to professionalise our operations and strengthen our family dynamics.  Then he helped to launch us towards our next 88 years!"

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family business mediation, family business disputes, commercial disputes, professional dispute mediator, independent dispute mediation, arbitration, alternative dispute resolution, mediation, mediation services, conflict management, 003

Ready to find out more?

“We’re highly skilled, cost-effective providers of dispute solutions.

We deal with all types of issue, dispute and conflict: from small to large; and from simple to complex – no matter how vulnerable, damaged, difficult or powerful the parties.

We prefer to defuse situations and solve problems, sensitively and sensibly, rather than fight battles, and then either: facilitate solutions, mediate agreements, or determine fair and practical outcomes”.

Our Address

L 5 / 485 La Trobe St



Australia. 3000

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family business mediation, family business disputes, commercial disputes, professional dispute mediator, independent dispute mediation, arbitration, alternative dispute resolution, mediation, mediation services, conflict management, 004
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